I was eight and you were nine
That was about the time
That mother let us go off by ourselves
Barefoot by the lake we’d be
I would splash and make you scream
We’d share secrets we promised to never tell
We’d say if you get there ahead of me wait by the oak tree
We’ll catch fireflies in the summer night
We’ll lie on the grass look at the stars and talk about how far
The universe extends and whether it’s always been
And we’ll follow the whippoorwill home
You left in your old Chevrolet
All I could do was stand and wave
I walked back inside to my guitar
On the day I was going to graduate
I was so mad cause you were late
Then we raced to the lake as it grew dark
All these times I spent with you were the happiest times I ever knew
But they all went by so fast you always think their going to last
So each day I hug the ones I love and be sure to thank God above
These moments won’t come again and someday we’ll be saying
remember when
I know we’re apart by half the world
And you’ve got three boys and I have two girls
But what do you say we show them where we’re from
You all could fly when school is out
We could stay at the old farmhouse
Head to the lake and let the kids just run
Chorus / Close
All Rights Reserved. Words and Music by Andrew Kutt. ©️2023 Andrew Kutt