Look outside it’s a sunny day
Mommy can I go out and play
Think I’ll make some daisy chains
I’ll come back in it starts to rain
Mommy I forgot I‘m a big boy now
Playing like a baby is not allowed
Mommy I know there’s no time anyhow
Cause the big yellow school bus
Is coming to take me away
Goodbye mommy and daddy
Good bye my days of play
Going to learn my ABCs
And all my quantities
And everything they want me to be
I’m gong to pick some raspberries
I’m going to dance in the breeze
The dandelions might make me sneeze
I like them better than I like cheese
I’m going to play in the sand
I’m going to build a whole new land
I’m going to make a woman and a man
And tell them to play as long as they can
All Rights Reserved. Words and Music by Andrew Kutt. ©️2023 Andrew Kutt