All the voices of dread
Say that my melodies are dead
That I am just old flesh and bone
That a strong heart is one of stone
That all poetry is a lie
A sweet smile just a disguise
They say there’s nothing that endures
Nothing genuine nothing pure
But I am a song of love
Sung by the stars above
Spinning in the galaxy
I am a rainbow
The sun shines through me
Shine on
Shine on
I am the ocean
The moon smiles on me
Try to chip away the rock to free your soul
But you’ll just end up with a pile of coal
Reach for the sky if you must
But your dreams will turn to dust
But I am a song of love
Sung by the stars above
Spinning in the galaxy
I am a rainbow
The sun shines through me
Shine on
Shine on
I am the ocean
The moon smiles on me
All Rights Reserved. Words and Music by Andrew Kutt. ©️2023 Andrew Kutt